
King Arthur and the Knights of Justice

Accuracy aside, these were largely inspired by an awesome cartoon I used to watch as a kid (King Arthur and the Knights of Justice). It was about a high school football team that went back in time and became Knights of the Round Table with special powers.

Doing 3 variations of something just like the good old school days, I realize how slow I actually am. Took way too long on these, going the slow route via linework. But I think it was a fruitful exercise, especially since I rarely do these armour things. Glad to have some feedback from friends on these and realizing how far I'm lagging from everyone else!

On a side note, I've always been impressed by John Liew's work so I tried to achieve that level of finish and detail. Despite missing the mark, it was a good gauge of how far I can push right now.

Watch the awesome introduction sequence to this cartoon here.

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